Senin, 16 Mei 2011
The reaction is individualized and highly dependent on age of child development, previous experience of illness, available support systems and coping ability has, in general, reactions to pain child's anxiety due to separation, loss, 
body piercing, and pain. 

# The reaction of children to hospitalization: 
1. Infancy (0-1 years) 
The impact of separation 
Formation of taste and affection P.D 
Age of children> 6 months occurred stanger anxiety / worry 
- Crying loudly 
- The movement of the body that many 
- Unpleasant facial expression 
2.Masa todler (2-3 years) 
The main source is due to separation anxiety. Here the response behavior of children with stages. 
> Phase protest crying, screaming, refusing the attention of others 
> Desperate cry less, the child was active, showed less interest in playing, sad, apathetic 
> Denial / denial 

- Began receiving farewell 
- Maintain relations superficially 
- Children begin to love their environment 

3. Preschool (3 to 6 years) 
- Refusing to eat 
- Frequently asked 
- Crying softly 
- No cooperation against health workers 

- Loss of control 
- Limitation of activity 

Often perceived as a punishment of school children. 
So there is a sense of shame, fear that 
lead to aggressive reactions, angry, rebellious, refusing to 
working with nurses. 
4.Masa school 6 to 12 years 

Hospital care impose 
leave a beloved neighborhood, klg, causing social klp 

Loss of control have an impact on the changing role of Dlm klg, loss of social klp, feeling afraid of death, physical weakness 

Pain reaction can be described with verbal and non verbal 
5.Masa adolescents (12 to 18 years) 
Teenagers so confident and unaffected 
peer group 
When MRS worried because these separations 
Loss of control of restricted activity 
The reaction appears: 
> Refuse treatment / action taken 
> Not cooperative with officers 
Feeling the pain of injury caused 
- Wondering 
- Withdraw 
- Reject the presence of others 

# The reaction of parents of hospitalization 
& Feelings that arise in the hospitalization: 
Fear and anxiety, feelings of sadness and frustration: 

Losing his beloved children: 
- A painful procedure 
- Poor information about medical diagnosis 
- The treatment is not planned 
- The experience of previous treatment 
& Feeling sad: 
The condition of the terminal behavior of isolation / do not want to be approached others 

& Feelings of frustration: The condition that does not change uncooperative behavior, desperate, rejected the action, wanting PP 
& Reaction siblings on child care in hospitals: Anger, jealousy, hatred, guilt 

TREATMENTS IN OVERCOMING THE IMPACT intervention hospitalitation 
The focus of nursing intervention is 
- Minimize stressors 
- Maximizing the benefits of hospitalization provide psychological support to family members 
- Prepare the child before entering hospital 

# Efforts to minimize the stressors or causes of stress 
Can be done by: 
- Prevent or reduce the impact of separation 
- Prevent the feeling of losing control 
- Reduce / minimize the fear of body injury and pain 

# Efforts to prevent / minimize the impact of separation 
1. Involving parents actively involved in child care 
2. Modification of the treatment room 
3. Maintaining contacts with school activities 
- Letter of correspondence, meeting school friends 

# Prevents feelings of losing control: 

- Avoid physical restrictions if the child can cooperate. 
- If the child is isolated to do environmental modifications 
- Create a timetable for the therapeutic procedure, exercise, play 
- Give children the opportunity to make decisions and involve parents in planning activities 

# Minimize fear of bodily injury and pain 
> Preparing the child and psychological parent for the actions that cause pain procedure 
> Make a game before doing the physical preparation of children 
> Bringing parents whenever possible 
> Show empathy 
> In the elective action if possible to tell the action taken through stories, pictures. Need to do a psychological assessment of the ability of children to receive this information with an open 

# Maximising the benefits of hospitalization of children 
> Assisting the development of children by giving parents the opportunity to learn. 
> Provide opportunities for parents to learn about the diseases of children. 
> Improving the ability of self control. 
> Provide opportunities for socialization. 
> Giving support to family members. 

# Prepare the child for treatment at hospital 
> Prepare treatment room in accordance with the stages of child's age. 
> Orient the hospital situation. 
On the first day you should take: 
- Recommend nurses and doctors 
- Recommend on the other patients. 
- Give identity in children. 
- Explain the rules of the hospital. 
- Carry out the assessment. 
- Perform a physical examination. 

# Definition of play 
> Natural way for children to express the conflict within him unconscious 
> Activities undertaken in accordance with their own desire to gain pleasure. 

# Playing is an activity 
- Fun / enjoyable 
- Physical. 
- Intellectual. 
- Emotions. 
- Social. 
- To learn. 
- Mental development. 
- Playing and working 

# The purpose bemain in hospital 
> To be able to resume normal growth and development during in-patient 
> To express thoughts and feelings and fantasies through the game 

# Principles of play in hospital 
- Does not require a lot of energy 
- Time is short. 
- Easily done 
- Safe 
- Age group. 
- Not against the therapy. 
- Involving the family. 

# Function to play 
- Sensory motor activity 
- The development of cognitive 
- Socialization 
- Creativity 
- Development of therapeutic moral 
- Communication. 

# Classification play 
I. Contents games 
1. Social affective play 
- Learn to respond to the environment 

* Parents speak / pampering - children happy, smile, sound, etc. 
2.Sense of pleasure play 
---- Children gain pleasure from a nearby object 
- Playing the water / sand 
3. Skill play 
---> Children acquire certain skills 
- Riding a bicycle, move the balloon, etc. 
4. Dramatic play / tole play 
Children fantasize perform certain roles 
-> Act as: nurse, doctor, father, mother, etc. 

# Social Characteristics 
1.Solitary play 
Performed by young children (todler) 
Playing in the group 1 yr is preoccupied with the game itself is different 
- Conducted by a toddler or pre school 
- Playing in the group, a kind of game, no interaction, not dependent 
- Playing in the group, the same activity, but not yet organized 
- There is no segregation of duties, play as they wish 
- Playing in the group, the same activity, but not yet well organized 
- There is no segregation of duties, play as they wish 
- School age / adolescant 
-> Organized games planned, there are certain rules 

# The factors that affect play 
1. Stages of child development 
2. Health status 
3. Sex 
4. Game tool

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