Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011
Whenever When To Introduce Solid Foods to Infants? 

Sometimes as parents we feel confused when the best time to introduce solid foods to our baby. The ability of different baby, a baby who is able to receive solid foods at 4 months, some have not. In general, infants are able to receive solid foods at around age 4 to 6 months. However, it is suggested to the parents, it is best to infants receiving exclusive breastfeeding until age 6 months, only then we introduce solid foods to her, this is done to keep the digestive system that is not necessarily ready for solid foods too early. 
When baby is ready to accept solid food he will give the 'signal' to his parents that he was ready to add variety than just a 'fluid milk' alone.Here are the signs that indicate their readiness: 
Baby is able to control his head in an upright position properly. 
Babies will accept solid food and chew it, do not push food out using his tongue. 
Can sit up well when refuted. Although maybe they have not been able to sit alone in a chair, but at least they can sit up well (when lap / denied) to be able to swallow well too. 
Can make chewing movements. The development of mouth and tongue in harmony with their digestive system. By the time they're ready for solid foods, they are able to move food in mouth and swallow. 
Their weight at least have to double birth weight and a minimum of 4 months old. 
The greater appetite. They looked hungry despite getting 8 to 10 bottles of milk per day. 
Curiosity of the food eaten by others even greater. They look closely at our rice dishes, and when we scooped food from your plate into your mouth (usually the mouth they come to taste). 
Build good eating habits in your baby, by the way: 
Do not give excessive eating to your baby. Watch for signs indicating that he was satisfied 
Do not make the child eat what he dislikes. Give credit for what they want and do not impose our will upon them. 
Try to create foods that have good nutritional balance, balanced between protein, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. 
Avoid fast food as long as we possibly can. 
Do not give awards to children in the form of food, give them a hug, a kiss of affection and attention as much as possible. 
Keep the kids to sit in their seats at meals, compared with eating while watching television or while traveling.

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