Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
Child Health Promotion
Jumat, Mei 06, 2011 | Diposting oleh
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According to WHO, child health promotion is the process of making the child able to increase control and improve their health. Thus, it can be interpreted as improve health, promote, encourage, and to place child health higher on the needs of individuals or society in general.
Therefore, aspects of child health promotion is essential that the campaign aims to empower so that a child has a greater sensitivity to aspects of their lives that affect their health.
Some definitions focus on child health activities, but others focus on the goal.WHO definition we have used to limit health promotion as a process, but connotes a purpose (making a person capable of increase control / awareness and improve their health) on the basis of a clear philosophy of self empowerment.
A. Communication
At the age of 3 months of vocal sounds (oooh, eeeh) issued by the baby, and consonants at the age of 6 months sura gurgled. At the age of 9 months babble sounds a varied and suggestive. At the age of 1 year one syllable name is used for single objects and at the age of 2 years a few words used to convey ideas and will follow simple commands, like "where the events that occur at this time the child's ability to understand language is much higher than the ability to pronounce
B. Discipline
The most difficult part of parenting a child for discipline is how we as parents can control our emotions. Our inability to control these emotions finally came in the form of a blow or physical acts against our children.
Results showed that children under five still can not understand the relationship between the actions of 'rogue' (according to parents) with the blow he received. Children just feel sick because of being beaten without knowing the reason why they were beaten. Even if the child is no longer taking action 'nakal' it was, this is not because he is aware of naughty, but rather the fear of being beaten again. That is, the hit was not able to discipline children of his own consciousness.
Punishment that arise because parents feared losing authority, not an effort to show affection or to train children to be disciplined to the rules, but will cause a negative reaction. Children will feel the punishment as a symbol of hatred to their parents. Arnold Buss, a psychologist in his book "Man in Perspective warned, if the punishment is given too frequently and the child feels this can not be avoided, the child will form a sense of helplessness (sense of helplesness).
Here are 8 ways to teach discipline in children:
1. Learn to say "no" firmly but with, loving, authoritative, and without the angry tone. This capability will help you in educating children so that they know, there are limitations to do something.
2. Always be consistent. If you have already said there will be a cause of action arising from the wrong behavior, apply the "punishment" is so the child will never try to play you. His attitude will destroy the inconsistent rules and discipline.
3. Focus and target one or two behaviors that must be adhered to both at the same time. For example, food should be spent, the food should not be made toy. Will generally be more effective to teach children in one or two areas that focus rather than trying to teach it a little bit but with a variety of different areas.
4. Be like the "boss" and do not be ashamed to be a boss in a relationship with the child. If not, the child tends to act without restraint like a lost parent and chicks will eventually behave negatively.
You can tell the child that you are the "boss" them. Of course as a boss you do not act in an authoritarian and arbitrary.
5. Teach your child discipline, in an environment full of affection and love.
6. Give the child small choices, such as what clothes she likes, like carrots or peas. After determining plihan, children must be consistent with these choices.
7. Remember that consistent discipline is safe and well. Compliance of children is one of assurance that he survived the danger. The best time to prepare themselves in a state of danger is before you are in danger.
8. For starters, teach children how to focus them for obeying the rules or discipline that you created. Child is old enough to understand to learn these concepts.
Corporal punishment in physiological and psychological impact of short and long term. Short-term physical effects such as bruising, swelling, etc.. While long-term physical effects such as lifetime disability. Short-term psychological effects, such as feeling angry, hurt, annoyed for a while. The impact is certainly lighter than the long-term psychological effects, such as that might feel resentment for years. In fact, Philip Greven in his book Spare the Child: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse states, the long-term psychological effects include disasosiasi various forms such as repression or amnesia, split mind and insensitivity
Corporal punishment should be viewed as a last resort. The best way among others by example that baik.Dengan so the child will learn about what they should and should not do. Methods of non-other forms of corporal punishment is a method to time out by isolating the child in the room less comfortable for him for several minutes. Or, children are asked to do something less fun for him, such as cleaning bathrooms, sweeping, forbidden to watch TV all day, etc..
But the child should be given a warning before the sentence carried out. If corporal punishment is unavoidable, A.M. Cooke in his book Family Medical Guide provides some suggestions of corporal punishment such as what should be done:
- Hitting a child with an open palm on the buttocks, legs, or hands.
- Punishment is given just once a day.
- Do not give corporal punishment on children younger than 1 year.
- As much as possible avoid punishment while the parents were at the height of emotion.
- Punishment is given a brief and earnest, soon after the mistake made
Tooth for a child is something that is not too noticed. Therefore required the attention of adults in its monitoring, for at the age of adult children do not feel inferior with teeth that are less beautiful posture. Below are some things that are noteworthy for adults on dental health of children:
1. Ages newborn - 1 year
a. Children aged 6 months or older who receive exclusive breastfeeding, or who receive formula fast food, or who live in places with their local water containing inadequate Flouride Flouride require supplements. These children should receive supplements Flouride 20 minutes before meals.
b. Primary teeth eruption usually begins at age 6 months with the primary mandibular central incisors.
c. Parents need to clean the baby's teeth with a damp cloth.
d. Feeding with breast milk and through the bottle during sleep is not recommended. This is to prevent dental caries resulting from contact with the milk of the old.
2. Todler age (age 1-3 years)
a. The number of primary teeth (20 teeth decidua) complete when reaching the age of 2.5 years.
b. Visits to the dentist the first time must be done before the toddler age of 2.5 years.
c. Parents should clean their teeth toddler with a soft toothbrush and water, and then between the teeth with fine threads. Toothpaste may not be used because the toddler will not like the foam. Berflourida Toothpaste harmful if swallowed.
d. Toddler require Flouride supplements if the source of water in their homes do not contain Flouride.
e. Diet should be low-cariogenic foods eg sugar which can increase the incidence of dental caries.
3. Age Preschool (Age 3-6 years)
a. All decidual teeth that are 20 should be complete at the age of 3 years.
b. Fine motor development at preschool age allows the child to brush teeth properly, children should brush their teeth twice a day.
c. Parents should supervise children brushing and cleaning between teeth.
d. The child should avoid foods that are cariogenic to prevent caries.
4. School Age (Ages 6-12 years)
a. Starting around age 6 years, the permanent teeth grow and the children gradually lose the tooth decidua.
b. Visits to the dentist regularly is important and should be continued Flouride supplements if water supplies do not contain Flouride enough.
c. Children should brush their teeth after meals with a soft nylon toothbrush, because the child's coordination skills have increased, parental supervision and assistance is usually not necessary.
d. Parents should make flossing until age 8 or 9 years.
e. Caries, malocclusion, and periodontal disease is becoming increasingly clear in this age group.
5. Age Youth (Ages 12-18 years old)
a. Regular dental examinations and preventive should be continued during the adolescence.
b. Most teens have to wear orthodontic appliance (braces) that adapat cause embarrassment.
c. Teenagers have to keep giving special attention in caring for teeth brushing dn carefully.
1. Milk
Milk is a rich source of energy, protein, and minerals. Susupakan sole source of nutrition during the first month and provides an important part of energy, protein, and calcium to pre-school children. Cow's milk has a mineral content and high osmolality. Infant formula to resemble modify content in breast milk.
Unmodified cow's milk should not be administered before age 6 months, and nearly all recommend breast milk or formula until the age of 12 months. As a rule, children should drink formula, rather than nonfat milk. Cow's milk contains a number of vitamins and iron that are not a lot. The mother may feel that breastfeeding will restrict their social activities, making the clothes are not neat, or very busy. Families who are able to employ people in ancient times to nurse: today's milk bottles are widely available. About 60% of mothers breast-feeding after birth, but stopped in the first week of rare failure in the breast milk issue of women respond to melakukanny, but there is a pleasant atmosphere between it and the same thing is said by many doctors and nurses.
Breast milk contains the ideal nutrition for infants aterm. Breastfeeding is inexpensive, readily available, and easily consumed. Breastfeeding walu for one month, is the perfect beginning for the baby to start life. Protection from infection is essential for survival in developing countries.
Anti-infective properties of breast milk:
- Foods that sterile
- Maternal antibodies (IgA)
- Lactoferrin
- Lysozyme interferon
- Support collaboration lactobacilli and bifidobacter
Breast fed infants usually depends on the hour (usually every 4 hours). Babies crying is not always hungry: and sleep does not mean full. Breastfeeding can be a very pleasant experience for mother and baby. In the UK 60-70% of all mothers give breast milk after childbirth, but only 40% of breastfeeding until the sixth week, and only 25% who reached 3 months.
2. Food mix
Menyapi term variously used for the purpose of releasing the baby from breast milk or solid food. Age at which babies are introduced to foods other than milk depending on the prevailing trend. Babies who are born with normal gestational age will not experience a nutritional deficiency within 4 months after birth and the majority of babies have been getting solid food since the age of 3 months. Giving solid foods before the age of 3 months is the wrong decision. Recommendations to provide solid and milk (mixture) should be after the age of 4-6 months
- Give the mashed fruit
- Introduce a new food at a time, starting with small amounts
- If new foods are introduced is not favored by the baby, try something else.Difficulty eating can be the result of parents who push to give a baby food dislikes
- Increase the density of food as baby begins to chew at the age of 6 months
- At the age of 1 year, the average baby will get 3 big meals a day, with a little drink or snack at midmorning, late afternoon, and when going to bed.Consumption of milk as much as 20-30 ounces per day
3. Supplements Vitamins And Iron
The condition of vitamin deficiency is rare and clinically healthy baby getting enough milk and eat the mixture since the age of 6 months do not need vitamin supplements.
Folic acid is obtained from vegetables and fruits. Vitamin D can be derived from cholesterol with the help of sunlight. Cholesterol is found in fatty fish, liver, and margarine. Increasing the proportion of income derived from vitamin-fortified infant formula foods, breads, breakfast cereals and fruit-flavored drinks. If parents decide to give vitamin supplements, is not trivial because the supplements contain levels of protein and calcium-enhanced, and added vitamins and iron.
4. Nutrition In Children And Toddlers School Aged Children
Changes in social patterns in many industrialized countries have given a strong influence, although not necessarily provide benefits, in nutirsi for children. The tradition to cook at home or grow their own vegetables has been shifted to shopping in supermarkets, fast food with a comfortable service, and food that can under go home. Even at all times and in different places with a lot of unemployment it is likely to always exist. There is improvement in terms of both parents who are seeking employment outside the home, and many families are buying food requires heating only practical course
5. Nutrition Not Perfect
Nutritional deficiency may be the result of a specific content of the food shortage. Famine occurred in Europe only in children who are ignored. But in many other parts of the world especially trpopis and subtropics, marasmus infatil is very often the case. In this region the habit continued breastfeeding for 2 years, and very sedkit available alternatives. If the supply of milk is not enough, there was a famine. Infants who develop marasmus are targets of infection, and mortality will be high. There is evidence that if there was a famine in the first year of life, though immediately addressed, can cause mental disability permanen.misalnya:
- Kwashiokor, or protein malnutrition dominant, visible at the same world with marasmus, but in children who ate the flour (rice or maize) is low in protein.The child becomes lethargic, face, body and stomach, bloated, hair thinning, dry, and loss of pigment.
- Nutritional rickets is the result of vitamin D deficiency together with lack of exposure to sunlight. Rickets also emerge during active growth during the preschool and puberty.
Children who have trouble sleeping make parents strees. Troublesome young children during the day but parents can be free if at night they can rest in peace. Not sleeping can be started with good reason, but eventually "hard" while another child of "easy".
Newborns spend most of their time sleeping premises with cries usually indicate hunger, thirst, cold, or pain. Infants of depressed mothers appear more anxious or tense and often cry.
The most difficult sleep disorders usually occur in toddlers. Some toddlers do not calm down when placed in the bed dive a few hours and then become active again when the other family members slept soundly. When parents start looking for consultation, this has become a habit and parents have been trying to extend and change the bedtime routine, and eventually took the boy to sleep in elderly people.
Sleep disorders can be started from an illness or grief, in which it is understood the child will wake up some nights, but then extended by excessive attention. Another cause is to euthanize the child too quickly or in time of uncertainty. Children have different sleep needs vary, and sometimes takes less time than their parents. If they are in tidurkan early, either because their parents think they need more sleep or more like a bit of time together in the afternoon, they will wake up and angry because they feel restricted.
Sleep disorders are best prevented with a routine that wise and firm boundaries when there is a desire that is not unreasonable. If the child wants kehadiaran mother until she fell asleep, should be followed rather than make the fabric as a talisman. If bad habits have developed, the use of hypnotic drugs is temporarily unable to dihindari.beberapa disruption of sleep patterns are:
1. Nightmare
Bad Mimpio often experienced at different ages. JV parents who also had bad mengalamimimpi usually do not worry. Parents know that nightmare happen to normal people and do not mean the existence of a severe emotional disappointment. Actions like menbiarkan door open or lights can blame the kids who are afraid to sleep calm. Nightmares usually occur in a phase of rapid eye movement sleep (rapyd eye movement / REM) and is the culmination of a creepy dream sequence. Children can remember these details immediately after waking.
2. Night Terror
Rare night terrors, but sangt surprising. This usually occurs in the first or second hour during sleep. Children screamed, sat, and stared wide-eyed and looked scared like being attacked by something that can only be seen by her.Children can fall out of bed and did not hear soothing words from their parents. Within minutes, the child will sleep soundly again and not remember anything in the morning. Night terrors occur in non-REM phases and arise suddenly (not as a result of a dream sequence). Night terrors are also accompanied by peningklatan pulse and breathing that often
3. Walking In Sleep
This could happen indefenden or as an extension of night terrors, although the children who walk in his sleep tend to be older (eg 6-12 years). Children got out of bed and walk around the house or even down to the street. Although it's difficult to be aroused, children may be guided back to bed. But usually the child can find his own way back to bed and went to sleep. Both atao sleepwalking night terrors is not a heavy emotion. Both these conditions tend to be familial and disappear before adolescence.
Most diseases in childhood is an infectious disease and the important thing to get every child in early life is MECHANISMS immunity immunology in children is essentially the same as in adults but not yet fully developed at birth.Cellular immunity has been effective since birth: during the first 2 or 3 years, the number of white blood cells is relatively high, more lymphocytes than on polymorphic in the blood circulation. Pus may form at any age. Humoral immunity develops more slowly.
Imunoglobin G (IgG) have receptors in the placenta so that maternal IgG can be transferred through the placenta since the early fetal period. Therefore, term infants have passive immunity against various infections including measles, rubella, and mumps. Conversely, a larger molecule IgM can not cross the placenta because it has no receptor in there so that neonates are vulnerable to some infections
Widespread immunization in the community enhance immunity groups, which lowers the possibility of transmission of infection among the children and allow the eradication of disease (eg smallpox). There should be no children who do not receive immunizations without mature consideration of the consequences, both for the child as an individual and for society
In determining the immunization schedule requires two basic considerations:
- Protection against what disease? This will require consideration as well as the dangers and effectiveness of immunization procedures. The more common and more dangerous diseases, as well as the more secure immunized, the greater the need for immunization.
- At what age should be immunized? This depends on the age at which children are vulnerable to certain diseases and at what age a child can give a response to the vaccine given. Often found conflict in this decision, as in the case of pertussis. The biggest danger of this disease in the first 6 months of life, but still relatively poor immunological response before the age of 3 months
• Contraindications
Immunization procedures should be avoided in children who are acutely ill.Live vaccines should not be given to their immunization systems disrupted by the risk of transmission to someone in the house who are pregnant or who interrupted immunization system should be considered.
Before the major reaction to previous vaccine doses, there is little kontrandikasi against polio (penicillin, streptomycin, neomycin, or polymyxin) and measles (neomycin or kanamycin). Previous anaphylaxis to eggs is a contraindication to MMR. History of seizures or eczema is not a contraindication.
• Unwanted effects
Minor reaction due to the pertussis component of the immunization Hib / DTP common restlessness, fever, and crying for several hours after injection with injection site pain. If it occurs after the first injection, then give the next dose of paracetamol.
BCG intradermal injection over the deltoid muscle insertion. After 3-6 weeks there will be erythema, induration, and sometimes ulceration. Axillary lymph nodes may swell and ache.
Indonesia still has a mortality rate of infants and toddlers are quite high with very high rates in some areas. Problems found in the neonatal period and the impact of infectious diseases, especially pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea, combined with nutritional problems resulted in more than 80% of deaths of children. Integrated Disease Child Care (IMCI), which was introduced by WHO in 1995, are being adopted and used by many regions and provinces.Most of the technical guidance needed for IMCI, including planning guidelines, is being developed and used, although some need to be repaired primarily with respect to new-born child's health.
Required incorporation of the IMCI approach is now limited by the overall needs of all children (sick and healthy). Necessary also to look for ways to reduce infant and child mortality rates nationally by targeting areas where these figures and by targeting the highest infant mortality together with other health programs such as maternal health.
The focus of the government plan will be a challenge to develop the overall regional strategy for child health in accordance with national child health policy. Implementation of extensive child health interventions and integrated, the improvement of existing tools and development tools to help change the focus on the sick child to the overall health of the child.
This will be achieved by following the basics of the IMCI approach (the role of the level of family / community, improve the skills of health workers and health systems needed for child health) including the important issue of nutrition, especially breastfeeding, up to the relevant clauses of Convention of Rights of the Child (CRC / Convention on the Rights of the Child). In addition, this project will also seek to map and help the areas where child health interventions have the greatest impact on child mortality.
• a broader approach to the health of children in accordance with the CRC, especially at the local level, including the three components of IMCI, the neonatal period and nutrition issues such as breastfeeding. This goal, albeit under Global Goals 3.1.3 Child and Adolescent Health, also would contribute greatly to the Global Goals of Child and Adolescent Health 3.1.1 (CRC), 3.1.4 (infant health) and NUT 4.2.4 (malnourished / nutrition).
Comprehensive text books
Behrman RE, Kleigman RM, Arvin AM (eds). Nelson Texbook of Paediatrics, 15th ¬
EDN. WB Saunders, 2001.
Campbell AGM, Mclntosh N (eds). Forfar and Arneil's Texbook of Paediatrics,
5th EDN. Churchill Livingstone, 1998.
Roberton N.R., Rennie J.M. (Eds). Texbook of Neonatology, 3th EDN.Churchill
Livingstone, 1999.
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