Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
Disturbance-Flower Growing
Jumat, Mei 06, 2011 | Diposting oleh
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Some-Flower Growing Disorder Frequently Found:1. Speech and language disorders. Language proficiency is an indicator of whole child development. Because language skills are sensitive to delay or damage to other systems, for involving the ability of cognitive, motor, psychological, emotional and environment around the child. Lack of stimulation can cause speech and language disorders even these disorders can be settled. 2. Cerebral palsy. It is a disorder of movement and posture that is not progressive, which are caused by a damage / interference on motor cells in the central nervous system that is growing / not yet completed its growth. 3. Down's Syndrome. Children with Down syndrome are individuals who can be known from the phenotype and has limited intelligence, which occurs due to an excessive number of chromosome 21. Its growth is slower than normal children. Several factors such as congenital heart disorders, severe hipotonia, biological or other environmental problems could cause delays in motor development and skills to help themselves. 4. Short stature. Short Stature or Short stature is a terminology regarding height under third percentile or -2 SD on the growth curve in effect on this population. The causes can be due to normal varisasi, nutritional disorders, chromosomal abnormalities, systemic disease or due to endocrine abnormalities. 5. Autism Disorders. Is a pervasive developmental disorder in children whose symptoms appear before the 3-year-old child. Pervasive means covers all aspects of development so that the disorder is very broad and heavy, which affects children deeply. Developmental disorder found in autism covers such fields as social interaction, communication and behavior. 6. Mental retardation. It is a condition characterized by low intelligence (IQ <70) which causes the inability of individuals to learn and adapt to the demands for skills that are considered normal. 7. Concentration of attention and hyperactivity disorders (GPPH) It is a disorder in which children have difficulty concentrating are often accompanied by hyperactivity. Factors Affecting Quality of Growth. Generally, children have normal growth and development pattern that is the result of interaction of many factors that affect growth and development. The factors include: 1. Factor in the (internal) that affect the development of the child. 1. Race / ethnicity or nation. Children who are born from the race / the American people, then he has no hereditary factors of race / nation of Indonesia or vice versa. 2. Family. There is a tendency of families with a high posture, short, fat or thin. 3. Age. The speed of growth is rapid during the prenatal, the first year of life and adolescence. 4. Gender. Reproductive function in girls grow faster than males. But after going through puberty, boys growth will be faster. 5. Genetic. Genetic (heredokonstitusional) is the innate potential of children, children who would become his trademark. There are several genetic disorders that affect the development of the child like a dwarf. 6. Chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosome abnormalities are generally accompanied by growth failure as in Down's syndrome and Turner's syndrome. 2. External factors (external). 1. Prenatal factors 1. a. Nutrient 2. Nutrition of pregnant women especially in the final trimester of pregnancy will affect fetal growth. 3. b. Mechanical 4. Abnormal fetal position can cause congenital abnormalities such as club foot. 5. c. Toxins / chemicals 6. Some drugs such as Aminopterin, Thalidomid can cause congenital abnormalities such as palatoskisis. 7. d. Endocrine 8. Diabetes mellitus can lead to macrosomia, kardiomegali, adrenal hyperplasia. 9. e. Radiation 10. Exposure to radium and X-ray beam can result in abnormalities in the fetus such as microcephaly, spina bifida, mental retardation and limb deformities, abnormalities kongential eye, heart defects. 11. f. Infection 12. Infection of the first and second trimester by TORCH (Toxoplasma, Rubella, cytomegalovirus virus, Herpes simplex) can cause abnormalities in the fetus: cataract, deaf mute, microcephaly, mental retardation and congenital heart abnormalities. 13. g. Immunological Disorders 14. Eritobaltosis fetalis arising on the basis of blood group differences between the fetus and the mother so the mother to form antibodies against fetal red blood cells, then through the placenta into the fetal blood circulation and will cause hemolysis resulting to hyperbilirubinemia and Kern icterus which will cause damage to brain tissue. 15. h. Anoksia embryo 16. Anoksia embryo caused by placental dysfunction causes impaired growth. 17. i. Psychology mothers 18. Unwanted pregnancy, abuse / mental violence in pregnant women and others. 2. Factors Childbirth Childbirth complications in infants such as head trauma, asphyxia can cause damage to brain tissue. 3. Factors Pascasalin 1. Nutrient For baby's growth, it needs adequate nutrients. 2. Chronic Disease / congenital abnormalities Tuberculosis, anemia, congenital heart defects resulting in retarded physical growth. 3. Physical and chemical environment. Environment melieu is a place often called the child's life that serves as a provider of basic needs of children (provider). Poor environmental sanitation, lack of sunlight, exposure to radioactive rays, certain chemical substances (Pb, Mercuri, cigarettes, etc.) have a negative impact on growth of children. 4. Psychological Child relationship with the people around him. A child that is not desired by the parents or the child who always feel depressed, to experience obstacles in the growth and development. 5. Endocrine Hormonal disorders, such as in hypothyroid disease will cause children experiencing barriers to growth. 6. Socio-economic Poverty is always associated with food shortages, poor sanitation and ignorance, will inhibit the growth of children. 7. Environmental care In the environment of care, mother-child interaction influence the development of the child. 8. Stimulation The development requires stimulation / stimulation, particularly in the family, such as provision of equipment toys, socialization of children, the involvement of mothers and other family members on the activities of the child. 9. Drugs Use of long-term corticosteroids will inhibit growth, so with the use of stimulant drugs on the nervous system that causes inhibition of growth hormone production. Development Aspects Watched. 1). Coarse or gross motor movement is an aspect related to the child's ability to do the movements and gestures that involve large muscles such as sitting, standing, and so forth. 2). Fine or fine motor movement is an aspect related to the child's ability to do movements that involve certain body parts and done by tiny muscles, but it requires careful coordination, such as observing something, menjimpit, writing, and so forth. 3). Speech and language are aspects related to the ability to respond to sound, speak, communicate, follow orders and so forth. 4). Socialization and independence are aspects related to the ability of the child self (self-feeding, clean up toys finished playing), split with mothers / caregivers of children, socialize and interact with their environment, and so forth. Principles of growth and development 1. continuous growth and complex 2. growth and development is a process of regular and predictable 3. different growth and integrated 4. every aspect of different growth stages dalah each and can be modified 5. collapsed phases specific to each person The principle of development of Kozier and Erb 1. continuously growing human 2. humans follow the same form in the growth and development 3. developing human caused him to get the process of learning and maturity 4. each phase of the development of thinking about certain characteristics 5. during infancy (Infancy) and infants are now forming the behavior, lifestyle, and growth form. Orderly growth and development are the (orderly) and sequential, but also a continuous and complex. 1. Everyone has the same experiences shape 2. Every form and level of development is typical Growth and development has a regular and predictable patterns; 1. Cephalocaudal (head to tail) 2. Proximaldistal 3. Symetrical Grow different flowers and integrated Examples of typical or different nerve growth due to respond to different stimuli. Different aspects in the development occurs because of different stages, the number and can be modified. 1. bones grow rapidly in the first year, during the years before school bone growth slows 2. talk rapidly improving at the age of 3-5 years Stages grow kembangspesifik for everyone Skills and physical and psychological maturity is different and special from everyone Growth theory 1. Psychoanalisa of Sigmund Freud 2. Psichososial of Erik Erikson 3. Cognitive development of Jean Piaget 4. Moral development of Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan 5. The development of trust from James Fowler Psychoanalysis 1. Oral (0-18 months), the pleasure centers on the mouth 2. Anal (8 months - 4 years), pleasure in anal 3. Phallic (3 years - 7 years), interested in gender differences 4. Latency (5 years - 12 years) a. increasing the role of sex b. identification process in the elderly c. preparation for a role as an adult and a relationship 1. Genital (12 years - 20 years) a. Hetero-sexual relationships with b. Sexual pressures Psychosocial Based on the 4 key concepts 1. developmental stages 2. objectives and tasks of development 3. psychosocial crisis 4. coping process Stages of development 1. basic trust vs. mistrust 2. autonomy vs. shame & doubt 3. initiative vs. guilt (error) 4. industry vs. inferiority 5. identity vs. role confusion 6. vc intimacy isolation 7. generativity vs. stagnation 8. ego integrity vs. Despair (desperate) Basic Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy, 0-1 year) At this stage the baby looking for basic needs such as warmth, food and beverage and comfort from others with the belief that all he needs somebody who will give it grow in her own faith (trust). Mistrust due to inconsistencies, ianadequate or unsafe care. Positive Behavior 1. Affection 2. Gratification (joy, kegiarangan) 3. Recognition (recognition / awards) Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (Toddler, 1-3 years) • developing motor and language • begin to learn to eat, dress and toilet • parents who overprotec or too high pengaharapan against children would cause the child to Shame & Doubt (shame and doubt) • Positive Behavior: depends on the parents but memmandang yourself as the person who represents any part of the parents Initiative Vs Guilt, (Preschool, 4-5 years) • self-confidence grows then the child will have isisiatif • restraint causes feelings of sin • Positive Behavior: shows imagination, imitation of adults, to test reality, anticipates roles (expect the role) Industry vs. inferiority (school age, 6-11 years) • kids happy finish ssesuatu and receive praise • the child does not successfully complete the task will be inferior • Positive attitude: a feeling for work or perform tasks, develop social and school competitions, performing real tasks. Identity vs. Role Confusion (Adolesence, 12-20 years) • many physical changes that occur in • try to play a role and if successful it will wake up the identity but if there will be no confusion confusion • Positive attitude: believe in yourself (self-perform certain), have sexual experience, comitmen against ideology / belief Intimacy vs. Isolation (young adulthood 20-40 years) • young adult, build commitment so timbulah intimacy • if not able to build commitment to children will experience isolation • Positive attitude: show the ability to terhdap commitment to yourself and others, memmiliki untu ability to love and work Generativity Vs Stagnantion (Midle adulthood, 41-65 years) • thinking about heredity (generation) • stagnation caused by the selfish • Positive Behavior: productive and creative for yourself and others Ego Integrity vs. Despair (Late adulthood, 65 years - more) • when the older adults are not able to establish the integrity of his ego then he will experience despair • Positive Behavior; appreciate the events of the past, present and future, receive the life cycle and lifestyle, received death Piaget's developmental theory Jean Piaget put more emphasis on cognitive or intellectual development.Piaget's cognitive development of developing states with a regular process with 4 sequence / stages through this process: 1. Assimilation, is the process when people see and react to new situations using existing mechanisms. At this stage people gain experience and new skills, including the perspective of himself and the surrounding duania 2. Accommodation, a maturation process kognitive to solve problems that previously could not be solved. This stage can be achieved because there is new knowledge together. 3. Adaptation, is the ability to anticipate needs Piaget's Stages of Development Phase behavior of significant Age Sensorimotor 0-2 years of preverbal behaviors, coordinated simple motor activity, may perceive a different feeling Preoperasional 3-7 years Egoscentrism: can link an object concept to reality, the concept of elaborate (complex / long), ask questions Concrete operation 7-11 or 12 years of solving problems: beginning to understand the relationships such as size, mengetahuai left and right, have must address [at or point of view Formal operation 11-15 or 16 years old Living in the present / real and not present / not real, more mempokuskan to something that might, be able to use scientific reasons, to use logic Robert J. Havighurst Havighurst believes there are 6 periods or stages of development. 1. Infancy and Early Childhood 2. Middle Childhood 3. Adolesence 4. Early Adulthood 5. Middle Age 6. Later maturity 6 Havighurst Period of Development Tasks Task Period Infancy and Childhood Learning to walk, learn to speak, learn to eat liquid food, learn to control eleiminasi dirt from the body, learn to distinguish the sexes, receiving psychological stability, social and physical form the concept is simple, learn to relate emotionally with parents, siblings (sibling), andothers, learn to distinguish right from wrong, develop a conscience Middle Childhood Learning physical skills are important in the game, building behavior that shows itself as a growing organism. Learning to get peers, learn to assess the role of the feminine and masculine, develop basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy, develop concepts that are important in everyday life, developing a sense of values, morals, and the scale, get the freedom of individuals, maintaining behaviors in groups and institutions . Adolesence Menerrima physical condition and accept the role of masculine or feminine, develop hebungan with the opposite sex, have a lack of dependence emosid ith parents and other adults, have their own economic security, select and prepare their own jobs, develop intellectual skills and concepts in civil life , preparing for marriage, and family life, get the value and ethical system of harmony in view of the world, have the desire and accept responsibility for social behavior. Early adulthood Choosing a life partner, learn to live with a marriage partner, starting a family, have children, manage the household, began to get a job, think about common interests, find the group hobies Accepting the role of Civil Midle age and social responsibility, build and sustain the economic standards of living, helping teenagers memmiliki responsibility, using spare time to develop maturity, receive and assess psychological changes in middle age, set the time as parents Late maturity Receive a decrease in physical strength and health, receive a pension and a decline in income, receive a death of a spouse, establish explicit relationships with the same age group, social activities and civic responsibilities, building physical life satisfaction
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