Minggu, 08 Mei 2011
Minggu, Mei 08, 2011 | Diposting oleh
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The tip of the umbilical cord will dry up and drop-out in 70-10 days after the baby is born, it could be 15-18 days or more.Parents are encouraged to put the diaper folded below the cord area and use of alcohol at the center several times a day for the umbilical cord clean and dry.
The umbilical cord is cleaned by using alcohol begins around the relationship between the umbilical cord and skin.
To improve the drying and healing at the time of bathing the newborn is not recommended for the dip in the tub asampai umbilical cord broke and healed.
Parents can use a sponge bath until the method of granulation tissue covering the umbilical cord off. Closure of the umbilical cord is not recommended because it will slow the drying process.
The red color and odor spending around the umbilicus must be considered as a sign of umbilical cord infection and reported for treatment and further treatment.
The purpose of the umbilical cord is open or not closed with gauze alcohol are:
1. enhance granulation
2. facilitate and accelerate the drying of the umbilical cord
1. Clean towels and washcloths
2. Baby soap and shampoo
3. Alcohol 70%
4. Cotton bud or a clean cotton
5. Cotton to clean the perineal
6. Basin or bath baby
7. Crooked
8. Warm water
9. Diapers and clean clothes
10. Basket for dirty clothes
I. Pre Phase Interaction
1. Read the maintenance records and medical records of clients
2. Plan a bath in accordance with the pattern of eating and sleeping, bathing the newborn in the middle of the meal has several advantages such as the baby will be ready in the procedure.
3. Prepare room
4. performed the procedures set goals
5. Prepare the equipment - tools
6. Wash hands
II. Orientation Phase
1. Give your greetings, call the client by name
2. Explain procedure and purpose of action on the client's family
III. Stage work
1. give families the opportunity to ask prior to activities conducted
2. Assess body temperature as well as signs and symptoms of respiratory distress
3. Bathing:
1. Make sure the baby in a comfortable position in the grip or lying in an incubator
2. Double-check the temperature of the water with a temperature of 37-38 degrees Celsius / warm - lukewarm, the water in the basin is only used to wipe (sponge bath) and clean hair.
3. Start bathing: rub the eye from inside to kantus kantus outside, use clean water and separate sections for each - each eye.
4. Clean your face gently, use ordinary water / without using soap.
5. Clean hair:
- Hold the baby safely, use the "football hold", wet the hair with water gently
- Apply using a cloth baby shampoo, rinse hair and scalp dry quickly
1. Clean the outer ear, wipe with a circular motion and use different sections for each - each ear.
2. Cleaning the body and extremities:
- After removing the blanket bath / baby clothes, clean the neck, chest, arms and back the same way
- Clean the body with soap and water, rinse carefully and dry the cleaned parts of the body before moving onto another section
1. clean genetalia:
- Baby girl: clean labia slowly with direction from front to back.
- Baby boy: hot foreskin gently and as far as possible, clean ujun glands with a circular motion and return the foreskin immediately after cleaning.
1. Clean and dry the perineal area
2. Not recommended to use powder, oil or lotion on the baby's skin
3. Use alcohol for the treatment of umbilical cord if necessary lift for more adequat treatment.
4. Use diapers with folds forward and is under the umbilical cord, leave the umbilical cord is opened.
5. Use baby clothes appropriate to the environmental conditions.
IV. Termination Phase
1. Clean and return your toiletries, make up the room as comfortable as possible and return the equipment in its original place
2. note the response of infant
3. washing hands
4. Evaluation activities have been carried out in accordance with the expected goals
V. Documentation
1. Record the time of action, action that has been done, the response of infants and an important discovery when such action has been hipotermi, respiratory distress, etc..
VI. Reference
Laura R.M. Comprehensive maternity Nursing: Nursing Process And Chidbearing Family (Second Edition). Philadelpia: LB.Lipincott Company.
Kemper., Et.al. Comprehensive Child and Family Nursing Skills (1991). Philadelpia: Mosby Year Book.
Wholey & Wong. Nursing Care Of Infants And Children (Fifth Edition). Philadelpia: Mosby year book.
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