Senin, 09 Mei 2011

"Ideal Weight boy how are you?" 

1. Ideal Body Weight (BBI), infants (children 0-12 months) 
BBI = (age (month) / 2) + 4 

2. BBI for children (1-10 years) 
BBI = (age (yr) x 2) + 8 

3. Adolescents and adults 
BBI = (TB - 100) - (TB - 100) x 10% 
BBI = (TB - 100) x 90% 

TB = Height (cm) 

Well, if the data TB is not known how? For example, in patients with ascites or eudeme anasarka, is it hard tuh .. ga may use the actual weight (in addition to the conversion can also -30% of actual body weight), or on post-surgical patients, we may measure the high ga, Conversion dong from the High antropomentri knee or arm span. 

TB based on Knee High (TL) 
TB Men = 6.50 + (1.38 + TL) - (0.08 x U) 
TB Women = 89.68 + (1.53 x TL) - (0.17 x U) 

TB based on the Range Arm (RL) 
TB Men = 118.24 + (0.28 x RL) - 0.07 x U) 
TB Women = 63.18 + (0.63 x RL) - 0.17 x U) 

U = Age (years) 

Well, now already can not calculate ideal body weight. Normal weight can also be known. Namely by adding and subtracting 10% of BBI. 
Normal weight = -10% to +10% BBI BBI. 
So, BB is actually normal range, can not be pegged at a certain rate. 
Begituu .. Next session I will discuss calculate energy demand and macro nutrients each individual. Interested? Look forward to it ...

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