Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
What type of games As Good For My Child? 

Questions like these are often approached by parents, because with so many choices there are games that sometimes confuse what is good, and what does not. 
The game should be tailored to age and stage of development.Because the play is the way that is owned by a child to learn the world, then our job as parents is to choose the best activity for them. Usually, children aged 12 months to have a great curiosity to see a 'cause and effect', a game of 'hide and seek', hiding behind a chair or table will be a fun game for them. For children aged 20 months, because of their physical abilities are good enough, they have a strong desire for physical challenges, such as climbing stairs, so look for a place safe enough for them to play and we still can watch him very well. 
Here are some guidelines a good game for children in several stages.
Games socialization. 
Interacting with others is very important for development, especially in its first year. Babies love to look, smiled, and laughed. An older baby like peekaboo game (-a-boo) and games using simple songs. 
The game uses the object. 
Touching, slams, put into the mouth, throwing, shoving, and many other things that would be a wonderful experiment for infants aged 4 to 10 months. 
Game representation and function. 
Pretend to use tools way, eg using a comb to comb his hair, or brush his teeth with a toothbrush, is a game of imagination for children ages 12 to 21 months, because at this age begin to develop their imagination. 
Games symbol. 
The game is usually done by children aged 2 years, wishing that the shoe box is a school bus and motor sound imitating. 
Role playing. 
Usually done by children aged 30 to 36 months. At this age they will become an actor and a great actress. They pretend to be doctors, teachers, mothers, or others, and smart absorb what is happening in their environment.

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