Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
What's The Importance of A 'Self-Esteem'? 

Almost every time we hear the word 'dignity', 'confidence' and the word-word like, but do we understand the true the importance of a 'self-esteem' for the lives of our children in the years to come? What is with this self-esteem they can be happy? 

In life, we often see people who always feel 'less', less pretty, less wealthy, and so forth, so they do not feel happy, because it was not as rich as the-A, or are not as lucky si-B, that's the picture people who have low self-esteem, so they always need support from people sekitanya so she felt better for himself. While people with high self-esteem, in the same situation will learn to bypass the problem, and strive to increase added value in itself. 

People who have self-esteem, tend to be more able to accept new things, more quickly recover in the face of crisis, and not afraid to take risks. They do not spend their time for fear, thinking about an ongoing problem. They tend to be more flexible and have the confidence to take action in addressing problems that arise. Can adjust to the situation that occurred, and easy to socialize. 

From this we can conclude that children who have self-esteem will be more happy, adaptable, creative, more confident and resilient. And as parents of course we want our children to grow up to be people who have self-esteem right? Therefore, do not ever stop giving positive encouragement and support to your child, because your attitude as a parent is the most important factor in creating confidence and self esteem of children. The treatment of parents during the child's growth will bring great influence in the rest of their lives.

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